Time has passed
There was you and there was me
We didn't know, we didn't talk
Our lives were separate and our journeys different
We saw one day, we knew about the other's existence
We spoke, and we shared questions and thoughts
Thoughts turned into feelings and the will to know more
There was space in our love box for each other to fill
And there was a bubble, our bubble
Where we were queen and king, where we were creating our world
There were I love you and mi amor, like never before
There was a will to settle, to be connected at every time
There were missing yous and the joy of being partners
There were secrets but not the good ones
There were jealous and nails that started to damage our bubble
There were silences and tiredness
There were misunderstandings and unheard signs
There were bad decisions and hurting words
There were apologies and vows of reconciliation
There was distance and pressure
There was sadness, discomfort, and frustration
There was a storm, natural and forced
There was a plan to rebuild from the good things
There was a choice to let things die
There was an ultimatum of unilateral infinite distance
There was no will to rebuild but to move on
There was pain
There was difficulty to understand why we wouldn’t fight
There was an incredible void, a total loss
There was indifference and terrible surprises
There was darkness
There were lessons learned
There were things to learn
There was a rebirth and there was a transformation
There was a new life without each other
There are feelings and
There is hope